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Written by: Lola Brett lola.brett@myhealthybuddy.com

There’s no question entrepreneurs are busy people. Sometimes it can feel like there’s just not enough time in the day to get everything done, let alone squeeze in a workout. But trust us, making time for fitness is crucial to your success as a business owner. Here’s why:

Self-Esteem Boosts Energy

Confidence has a way of making us feel good all over. And when you feel good, you have more energy. When you have more energy … you guessed it, you’re more productive! Not to mention, when your self-esteem is high, you’re more likely to take risks and put yourself out there — two essential qualities for any successful entrepreneur. So hit the gym (or go for a run, or do some yoga, whatever floats your boat) and watch your productivity soar.

Enhanced Concentration

We all know that feeling of being so bogged down with work that we can’t even think straight. But did you know that exercise can actually help improve your concentration? Studies show that workers who exercised were able to focus better and were more productive overall than their sedentary counterparts. So next time you’re struggling to power through a project, try taking a quick walk around the block first; you might be surprised at how much it helps!

Improved Immunity

When you run a business, you can’t afford to get sick. Unfortunately, when we’re stressed out and sleep-deprived (two things that are all too common for business owners), our immunity takes a hit. Luckily, regular exercise can help boost your immune system and keep you healthy, which leads to fewer sick days and more time spent growing your business.

Fitting It Into Your Schedule

While it may seem difficult to find time to fit in a workout when you’re running your own business, there are a few simple ways to make it work. For example, you could go for a brisk walk or run during your lunch break, or take advantage of any downtime by doing some quick exercises at your desk. You could also try working out first thing in the morning, before starting your workday. If you can find even just 30 minutes for exercise each day, you’ll start to see an increase in your overall productivity, and who knows, you might even enjoy it!

Fitness Can Inspire

For many people, fitness is a way to improve their health and well-being. But what they may not realize is that the discipline and dedication required to achieve their fitness goals can also be applied to starting a business. After all, both fitness and entrepreneurship require setting goals, making a plan, and putting in the hard work to see results.

And while the road to success in both arenas is often long and difficult, the sense of accomplishment that comes with achieving one’s goals is extremely motivating. In fact, many successful entrepreneurs credit their success to the lessons they learned through years of dedicated fitness training. Fortunately, once you have the entrepreneurial bug, starting a business isn’t that difficult. With online resources to show you how to start an LLC, create a business plan, register your new business and even create a marketing strategy, there are countless opportunities to make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality.

Exercise isn’t just good for your health, it’s crucial for your success as an entrepreneur. From boosting energy and concentration to improving immunity and inspiring new ideas, there are countless benefits of working out for business owners. And with our busy schedules, there’s no excuse not to fit it in! So what are you waiting for? Get up and get moving, your business will thank you for it.

Lola Brett

Health Advocate @ myhealthybuddy.com
