+1(214) 998 9407 LeaderServant@rickEmeyer.com

Ps 1:2: “(A)But (B)his (the righteous) delight is in the law of the Lord, (A)And in His (God’s) law (B)he meditates day and night.”

“Lead me in Your truth & teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day.” (Ps 25:5)

Instead of walking, standing, or sitting with the wicked (Ps1:1); the righteous, the godly are influenced by delighting in the Lord & meditating on God’s word, limited writings at that time that reveals Jesus Christ as the Messiah, our Savior.

“Then beginning with Moses & with all the prophets, He (Jesus) explained to them the things concerning Himself in all the Scriptures.” (Luke 24:27; Jn 5:46)   

Meditate is to think deeply. Regular meditation increases your brain’s grey matter; your critical thinking, problem solving, your relationship w/the Lord, & others. 80 min of meditation & visualizing increases your IQ ~1pt.

Are you meditating on the Bible & Jesus Christ?