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Running on Faith Weekday Devotions:

Philippians 3:14: “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

As demonstrated by Paul, our passion for the Lord should remain ‘full-throttle’ regardless of external circumstances.

My junior year, we examined the Salina cross country course before the race. The home stretch on the golf course was about 660 yds into a 15-25 mph headwind.

Senior David Pulford instructed us to keep our cadence consistent in the final stretch. “Count your right leg, ‘1-2-1-2…’. It’s more efficient to keep your cadence consistent with the wind gusts than to vary with the wind.” David had run a 1:12 or 1:13 half marathon that summer as a 17 yr old.

That meet raced the #1 runners of each team against each other, as did the #2’s, #3’s….& #7’s. We each won our individual races, keeping our eye on the goal with a consistent cadence.

During these challenges times, let’s maintain a consistent cadence, trusting the Lord for His forgiveness, sovereignty, & provision; keep a hearing heart, praying, & praising.