+1(214) 998 9407 LeaderServant@rickEmeyer.com

On the farm and/or ranch, when working around equipment, electricity, livestock, water, pesticides, and fertilizers with others, our words can have drastic consequences.

“Is that (specific) gate closed?”
“Is that (specific) breaker off?”
The various scenarios are seemingly countless.

Falsely or Flippantly pontificating ‘Yes’, ‘No’, ‘I know’, or ‘Absolutely’ can result in:

Losing Valuable Time
Losing Money
Losing Crops
Losing Livestock
Someone(s) getting Hurt
Someone(s) Dying

All the above are possible within the blink of an eye. Words have Real Physical Consequences.

Additionally, Accuracy and Honesty Reflect one’s Character.

This principle applies to all discussions, including Politics and Religion

If we aren’t willing to bet our own life and/or our families life on our statement being True, why not say:

“I don’t know…”
“I am not absolutely positive…”

Pride/Ego is so Powerful and Destructive !!
This, along with Greed, is also why some Plagiarize!