+1(214) 998 9407 LeaderServant@rickEmeyer.com

(These are Texted to hundreds of recipients every Weekday morning. Since we send these via text message, we have a 950 character limit to the content. Running on Faith Weekday Devotions commenced on 26 March 2019)

Ps 1:3 – “(A)He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams (or canals) of water, (B)Which yields its fruit in its season (B)And its leaf does not wither; (C)And in whatever he does, he prospers (c.f. Ps 92:12-13; 128:2; Jer 17:8).”

The success of the righteous arrives “in its season”. In God’s created nature, the length of gestation for animals & growing season for plants varies for each species as well as w/in crop hybrids. For example, a most of you know, the gestation period for cattle is 9-months; while hogs is 3-months, 3 wks., 3 days. Steak takes longer to create than bacon!

The environment affects the yield, rate of gain, & time to market or harvest in livestock & crops. Similarly, abundant factors affect the length of your *growing season*.

Foundational keys to spiritual prosperity include fervently meditate on God’s word; and praying to be controlled by God’s indwelling Holy Spirit.