+1(214) 998 9407 LeaderServant@rickEmeyer.com

Proverbs 3:27–28: “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, When it is in your power to do it. (cf. Rom 13:7, Gal 6:10)

Whether we owe someone wages, or if they deserve something good; do it now. This ties in with being fair and just, along with counting our days (Ps 90).

Ultimately, it’s founded on loving God with our entire heart, mind, and soul; along with loving, caring about, others as much as we care about ourselves (Mt 22:37-39).

We don’t know what tomorrow holds for us or those we may owe encouragement, respect, opportunity, or any other good as God directs our hearts and minds to give.

This includes giving our all to everyone God places in our life to serve. Let’s also generously forgive others just as the Father forgives you & me.

Additionally, don’t you find effervescening joy when you give someone much deserved encouragement, a compliment, or any other good?

Let’s live with a passion for God and His people. Seek His desires & guidance, always.

Rick originally thought of the phrase, “Running on Faith” while running the hilly, gravel covered country roads north of Kearney, NE in the early 1990s.

“Running on Faith” was his instant choice as the title for his first book when he began writing it in 2006. Unfortunately, due to various challenges, completion did not occur until 2017.

Rick’s lifetime miles have now exceeded 135,000 miles at an overall lifetime, doorstep-to-doorstep, average pace of approximately 6:32/mile.