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Running on Faith Weekday Devotions:

An astute reader, & humble Christian business lady responded to yesterday’s devotion with a great question.

“What are ‘soil test results’ that indicate a fertile ‘spiritual’ soil?” These messages are limited to ~950 characters.

Here’s a foundation to ponder:

1. Do you recognize that you are sinner, saved only by forgiveness thru Jesus?

2. Do you love God w/your complete heart, mind, & soul? When desperate, who do you clasp for rescue? Conversely, “The city has always/is man’s attempt to find security apart from God.” Lanier Burns, DTS Sr. Prof of Theology

3. Do you love (passionate desires God’s best-in alignment w/the Bible, not the world’s best) for others? Consider, when we define “good” apart from the Bible, we become our own gods.

4. Do you remain focused on God thru amazing abundance, persecution, & trials?

I will search my old blog CEC, Christian Exchange Capacity. In soils, it’s Cation Exchange Capacity. The higher the better.